2019年8月8日上午,应化学化工学院、保水化学功能材料甘肃省国际科技合作基地邀请,日本大阪大学Nobuaki Kambe教授来我校作报告,题为《Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation Catalyzed by Transition Metals Bearing All Carbon Ligands》,化学化工学院教师、研究生30余人在新校区化学楼E617参加了报告会。报告会由权正军教授主持。
报告中,Nobuaki Kambe教授介绍了近年来在过渡金属催化下的碳-碳和碳-杂键构建方面最新的研究成果,特别是该课题组发展的离子型过渡金属催化剂,在不活泼碳-碳断键中发挥独特的作用。报告结束后,Nobuaki Kambe教授与在场的师生们进行了学术讨论和交流,并且对在场的老师及学生提出的问题做出了详细的解答,并就学院在化学学科的发展、学科建设等方面进行了深入的交流,并提出了宝贵的意见和建议。
Nobuaki Kambe教授简介:
Prof. Nobuaki Kambe received his B.Sc. degree in the department of applied chemistry from Osaka University of Japan in 1976. He then continued his Ph.D. study at the graduated school of engineering of Osaka University with Professor Noboru Sonoda, and got his Ph.D. degree in 1981. Since then, he joined the graduated school of engineering of applied chemistry at Osaka University, and was promoted to Professor in 1999.
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