
【发布单位: 发布时间:2020-05-15 浏览量:6554

姓名:曾巍            职称/职务:副教授/硕士生导师     学科专业:高分子化学与物理、材料科学与工程

办公室:综合实验楼E218     实验室:综合实验楼E219  E-mail: zengw@nwnu.edu.cn; zengwei.science@gmail.com


2019.12-至今      西北师范大学化学化工学院        高分子化学与物理   副教授

2016.06-2019.12西北师范大学化学化工学院        高分子化学与物理   讲师


2012.09-2016.06兰州大学物理科学与技术学院    材料物理与化学       博士研究生

2014.11-2015.12美国佐治亚南方大学物理系        材料学         联合培养

2010.09-2012.06兰州大学物理科学与技术学院    凝聚态物理               硕士研究生

2006.09-2010.06兰州大学物理科学与技术学院    物理学(国家级基地班)     本科生









Northwest Normal University

[50] W. Zeng*, Y. Wang, M. Zheng, R. Yang, Y. Luo, X. Yi, R. Zhang, Long-persistent phosphorescence in Eu2+-doped calcium borate chloride for optical data storage, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020 825 154143(1-6).

[49] Y. Yang, X. An, M. Kang, W. Zeng, Z. Yang, H. Ma, A Simple and Effective Method for Catalytic Oxidation of Alcohols Using the Oxone/Bu4NHSO4 Oxidation System, Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 202056(3) 521-523.

[48] X. Lv, W. Zeng, Z. Yang, Y. Yang, Y. Wang, Z. Lei, J. Liu, D. Chen, Fabrication of ZIF‐8@Polyphosphazene core‐shell structure and its efficient synergism with ammonium polyphosphate in flame‐retarding epoxy resin, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2020 31(5) 997-1006.

[47] S. Meng, W. Zeng, M. Wang, L. Niu, S. Hu, B. Su, Y. Yang, Z. Yang, Q. Xue, Nature-mimic fabricated polydopamine/MIL-53(Fe): efficient visible-light responsive photocatalysts for the selective oxidation of alcohols, New Journal of Chemistry, 2020 44 2102-2110.

[46] J. He, W. Zeng, M. Shi, X. Lv, H. Fan, Z. Lei, Influence of expandable graphite on flame retardancy and thermal stability property of unsaturated polyester resins/organic magnesium hydroxide composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020 137 47881(1-11).

[45] Y. Wang, W. Zeng*, J. Zao, Y. Cheng, Y. Yang, A Study of Emission Color-Tuning in Yellow Long Persistent Phosphor (Sr1-xCax)3B2O6: Eu2+, Dy3+, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2019 8 R104-R108.

[44] W. Zeng*, Y. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Lan, J. Zao, Traps study of Ca2BO3Cl: Eu2+ Dy3+ long-persistent phosphor by electron paramagnetic resonance, Functional Materials Letters, 2019 12 1950063(1-4).

[43] X. Yang, L. Zhao, W. Zeng, Z. Liu, X. Fan, S. Tian, H. Zhang, X. Xu, J. Qiu, X. Yu, Multiple-response anti-counterfeiting realized in CaYAl3O7 host with the dual coexistence of Eu2+/Eu3+, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2020 103 2235-2243.

[42] X. Lv, H. Fan, W. Zeng, Z. Yang, Y. Wang, Z. Lei, Novel nanocomposites based on epoxy resin and modified magnesium hydroxide: Focus on flame retardancy and mechanical properties, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2019 30 3026-3037.

[41] X. Fan, B. Liu, W. Chen, Z. Liu, X. Yang, S. Tian, W. Zeng, W. Lu, Q. Chen, J. Wei, X. Yu, J. Qiu, M. Xie, X. Xu, Detection of Cell Viability via Fluorescence Labeling of Silicate Phosphor with a Low-Temperature Superlong Persistent Luminescence, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2019 2 2610-2616.

[40] H. Ma, W. Chen, B. Liu, X. Xu, W. Zeng, Effect of Pr3+ on Site Preferences of Eu2+ in NaBaScSi2O7 and Its Optical Properties, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2019 8 R70-R74.

[39] X. Fan, Z. Liu, X. Yang, W. Chen, W. Zeng, S. Tian, X. Yu, X. Xu, J. Qiu, Recent developments and progress of inorganic photo-stimulated phosphors, Journal of Rare Earths, 2019 37 679-690.

Lanzhou University

[38] G. Li, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, W. Chen, S. Han, H. Guo, J. Liu, Effects of Nd3+ co-doping on the long lasting phosphorescence and optically stimulated luminescence properties of green emitting NaBaScSi2O7:Eu2+ phosphor, Materials Research Bulletin, 2016 84 1-6.

[37] G. Li, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, W. Chen, S. Han, H. Guo, Y. Li, Photo-/cathodoluminescence and energy transfer properties of novel Ce3+ singly doped and Ce3+/Tb3+ codoped NaBaScSi2O7 phosphors, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016 4 3304-3312.

[36] S. Han, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, W. Chen, An outlook of rare-earth activated persistent luminescence mechanisms, Journal of Rare Earths, 2016 34 245-250.

[35] H. Guo, Y. Wang, W. Chen, W. Zeng, G. Li, Y. Li, Ca6BaP4O17: Eu2+, Gd3+: a yellow emitting long-lasting phosphor with high brightness and long afterglow duration, New Journal of Chemistry, 2016 40 613-618.

[34] W. Chen, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, G. Li, H. Guo, Enhancement of yellow persistent luminescence in Eu2+-doped β-Ba3P4O13 phosphor by Ga3+ codoping, RSC Advances, 2016 6 48411-48414.

[33] W. Chen, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, G. Li, H. Guo, Design, synthesis and characterization of near-infrared long persistent phosphors Ca4(PO4)2O: Eu2+, R3+(R= Lu, La, Gd, Ce, Tm, Y), RSC Advances, 2016 6 331-337.

[32] W. Chen, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, S. Han, G. Li, H. Guo, Y. Li, Q. Qiang, Long persistent composite phosphor CaAl2O4: Eu2+, Nd3+/Y3Al5O12: Ce3+: a novel strategy to tune the colors of persistent luminescence, New Journal of Chemistry, 2016 40 485-491.

[31] G. Li, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, W. Chen, S. Han, H. Guo, X. Wang, Luminescence properties of a new green afterglow phosphor NaBaScSi2O7:Eu2+, Dalton Transactions, 2015 44 17572-17578.

[30] G. Li, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, W. Chen, S. Han, H. Guo, Luminescent and magnetic properties of the afterglow phosphors GdSr2AlO5: RE3+(RE3+= Eu3+, Sm3+, Pr3+ and Dy3+), RSC Advances, 2015 5 20884-20889.

[29] H. Guo, Y. Wang, W. Chen, W. Zeng, S. Han, G. Li, Y. Li, Controlling and revealing the trap distributions of Ca6BaP4O17:Eu2+,R3+ (R = Dy, Tb, Ce, Gd, Nd) by codoping different trivalent lanthanides, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015 3 11212-11218.

[28] H. Guo, W. Chen, W. Zeng, Y. Wang, Y. Li, A Long-Lasting Phosphor Ba3P4O13: Eu2+, ECS Solid State Letters, 2015 4 R1-R3.

[27] H. Guo, W. Chen, W. Zeng, G. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Li, Y. Li, X. Ding, Structure and luminescence properties of a novel yellow super long-lasting phosphate phosphor Ca6BaP4O17:Eu2+,Ho3+, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015 3 5844-5850.

[26] W. Zeng, Y. Wang, Y. Li, X. Xu, Recent Research Progress of Long-wavelength Emitting Long-persistent Luminescence Materials, MRS Proceedings, 2014 1592 jsapmrs13-1592-6466.

[25] W. Zeng, Y. Wang, S. Han, W. Chen, G. Li, Enhancement of CdSiO3: Tb3+ green long-lasting phosphors by co-doping with Re3+ (Re3+=Gd3+, Y3+, La3+) ions, Journal of Luminescence, 2014 152 210-213.

[24] W. Zeng, Y. Wang, S. Han, W. Chen, G. Li, Investigation on long-persistent luminescence of Ca2BO3Cl: Eu2+, Ln3+(Ln= Nd, Dy, Er), Optical Materials, 2014 36 1819-1821.

[23] Q. Wang, Z. Ci, G. Zhu, S. Xin, W. Zeng, M. Que, Y. Wang, Multicolor bright Ln3+ (Ln = Eu, Dy, Sm) activated tungstate phosphor for multifunctional applications, Optical Materials Express, 2014 4 142-154.

[22] G. Li, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, S. Han, W. Chen, Y. Li, H. Li, Enhanced long persistence of LiSr4(BO3)3:Eu2+ orange phosphors by co-doping with Dy3+, Optical Materials, 2014 36 1808-1813.

[21] S. Han, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, W. Chen, G. Li, Persistent luminescence property of rare earth doped BaMg2Al6Si9O30 phosphor, Journal of Luminescence, 2014 152 66-69.

[20] W. Chen, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, S. Han, G. Li, Filling of trap and green long persistent luminescence in Sr3Al2O5Cl2:Tb3+, Optical Materials, 2014 36 1850-1854.

[19] J. Zhang, Y. Wang, Z. Xu, H. Zhang, P. Dong, L. Guo, F. Li, S. Xin, W. Zeng, Preparation and drug-delivery properties of hollow YVO4:Ln3+ and mesoporous YVO4:Ln3+@nSiO2@mSiO2 (Ln = Eu, Yb, Er, and Ho), Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2013 1 330-338.

[18] W. Zeng, Y. Wang, S. Han, W. Chen, G. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Wen, Design, synthesis and characterization of a novel yellow long-persistent phosphor: Ca2BO3Cl: Eu2+, Dy3+, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2013 1 3004-3011.

[17] S. Yang, H. Gao, Y. Wang, S. Xin, Y. He, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, A simple way to synthesize well-dispersed Gd2O3 nanoparticles onto reduced graphene oxide sheets, Materials Research Bulletin, 2013 48 37-40.

[16] S. Xin, Y. Wang, P. Dong, W. Zeng, J. Zhang, Preparation, characterization, and luminescent properties of CaAl2O4:Eu2+, Nd3+ nanofibers using core–sheath CaAl2O4:Eu2+, Nd3+/carbon nanofibers as templates, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2013 1 8156-8160.

[15] Y. Wen, B. Liu, W. Zeng, Y. Wang, Plasmonic photocatalysis properties of Au nanoparticles precipitated anatase/rutile mixed TiO2 nanotubes, Nanoscale, 2013 5 9739-9746.

[14] G. Li, Y. Wang, S. Han, W. Zeng, W. Chen, Y. Gong, A Red Long-Lasting Phosphorescence Material Gd9.33(SiO4)6O2:Sm3+and Effect of Oxygen Vacancies on Its Performance, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2013 2 R161-R164.

[13] L. Guo, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, L. Zhao, L. Han, Band structure and near infrared quantum cutting investigation of GdF3:Yb3+, Ln3+ (Ln = Ho, Tm, Er, Pr, Tb) nanoparticles, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013 15 14295-14302.

[12] L. Guo, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, J. Zhang, P. Dong, W. Zeng, Structure, enhancement and white luminescence of multifunctional Lu6O5F8:20%Yb3+,1%Er3+(Tm3+) nanoparticles via further doping with Li+ under different excitation sources, Nanoscale, 2013 5 2491-2504.

[11] L. Guo, Y. Wang, L. Han, Q. Qiang, W. Zeng, Z. Zou, B. Wang, X. Guo, Band structure, shape controllable synthesis and luminescence properties of the precursor and final product Lu6O5F8:Eu/Tb/Ce/Dy nano/microstructures, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2013 1 7952-7962.

[10] X. Xu, Y. Gong, W. Zeng, Y. Wang, Long lasting Red Phosphoresce and Photostimulated Luminescence in Ca2SnO4:Sm3+ Phosphor, in: S.C. Rand, T. Carmon, M. Jarrahi (Eds.) Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter: Posters, 2012, pp. 62-64.

[9] B. Liu, Y. Huang, Y. Wen, L. Du, W. Zeng, Y. Shi, F. Zhang, G. Zhu, X. Xu, Y. Wang, Highly dispersive {001} facets-exposed nanocrystalline TiO2 on high quality graphene as a high performance photocatalyst, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012 22 7484-7491.

[8] Y. Gong, X.H. Xu, W. Zeng, C.J. Wu, Y.H. Wang, Ce3+, Mn2+ co-doped Red - light Long - Lasting phosphor: BaMg2Si2O7 Through Energy Transfer, in: S.C. Rand, T. Carmon, M. Jarrahi (Eds.) Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter: Posters, 2012, pp. 86-90.

[7] P. Dong, Y. Wang, L. Guo, B. Liu, S. Xin, J. Zhang, Y. Shi, W. Zeng, S. Yin, A facile one-step solvothermal synthesis of graphene/rod-shaped TiO2 nanocomposite and its improved photocatalytic activity, Nanoscale, 2012 4 4641-4649.

[6] W. Chen, Y. Wang, X. Xu, W. Zeng, Y. Gong, A New Long-Lasting Phosphor Ce3+ Doped Ca3Al2O6, ECS Solid State Letters, 2012 1 R17-R19.

[5] W. Zeng, Y. Wang, X. Xu, Y. Gong, A Novel Green Long-lasting Phosphor Ca2ZnSi2O7: Eu2+, Functional Materials Letters, 2011 4 289-293.

[4] X. Xu, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, Y. Gong, B. Liu, Luminescent Properties of the Multicolor Afterglow Phosphors Ca3SnSi2O9:Re3+ (Re = Pr, Tb, Sm), Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2011 94 3632-3635.

[3] X. Xu, Y. Wang, W. Zeng, Y. Gong, Luminescence and Storage Properties of Sm-Doped Alkaline-Earth Atannates, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2011 158 J305-J309.

[2] Y. Gong, Y. Wang, Y. Li, X. Xu, W. Zeng, Fluorescence and phosphorescence properties of new long-lasting phosphor Ba4(Si3O8)2:Eu2+, Dy3+, Optics Express, 2011 19 4310-4315.

[1] X. Xu, Y. Wang, Y. Gong, W. Zeng, Y. Li, Effect of oxygen vacancies on the red phosphorescence of Sr2SnO4: Sm3+ phosphor, Optics Express, 2010 18 16989-16994.





