
【发布单位: 发布时间:2019-06-04 浏览量:9060


姓名:魏太保                    出生年月:19657月       职称/职务:教授/博士生导师

专业:有机化学,超分子化学      Email: weitaibao@126.com


1984-1988年就读于西北师范大学化学系获学士学位,1988-1991年就读于西北师范大学化学系,并于1991年获中科院兰州化物所理学硕士学位,2003年在上海高校及中科院机构的研究所进行交流学习。主要承担《有机化学》、《有机化学实验》、《有机合成》、《生物有机化学》等课程教学工作。主要从事功能有机分子及超分子功能材料的设计合成及性能研究。在Chemical Communications, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Polymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Frontiers, Soft Matter, Materials Chemistry Frontiers,等期刊发表学术论文100余篇,发明专利授权20余项,其中新型植物生长调节剂AOE1已转让,产品投放市场。现为甘肃省高校跨世纪学术带头人,甘肃省“333”人才工程第一、二层次人选,连续四届西北师大双骨干津贴获得者。荣获甘肃省技术发明奖二等奖一项(2012年);甘肃省自然科学三等奖一项(2005年),兰州市科技进步奖一等奖一项(2012);甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖两项(20102014),二等奖一项(2010)。






国家自然基金项目: 具有多重自组装功能的主体分子的设计合成及其竞争调控识别机制研究(批准号:21662031

国家自然基金项目: 复杂含水体系中选择性识别和分离特定离子的超分子功能材料的设计合成及性能(批准号:21262032


1. Jin-Fa Chen, Qi. Lin*, You-Ming Zhang*, Hong Yao, Tai-Bao Wei*, Pillararene-based fluorescent chemosensors: recent advances and perspectives, Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 13296-13311.

2. Tai-Bao Wei*,Jin-Fa Chen, Xiao-Bin Cheng, Hui Li, Bing-Bing Han, You-Ming Zhang, Hong Yao and Qi Lin*, A novel functionalized pillar[5]arene-based selective amino acid sensor for L-tryptophan,Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2017, 4, 210-213.

3. Qi Lin*, Yan-Qing Fan, Guan-Fei Gong, Peng-Peng Mao, Jiao Wang, Xiao-Wen Guan, Juan Liu*, You-Ming Zhang, Hong Yao, Tai-Bao Wei*, Ultrasensitive Detection of Formaldehyde in Gas and Solutions by a Catalyst Preplaced Sensor Based on a Pillar[5]arene Derivative, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6, 8775-8781.

4. Jin-Dong Ding, Jin-Fa Chen, Qi Lin*, Hong Yao, You-Ming Zhang, Tai-BaoWei*, A multi-stimuli responsive metallosupramolecular polypseudorotaxane gel constructed by selfassembly of a pillar[5]arene-based pseudo[3]rotaxane via zinc ion coordination and its application for highly sensitive fluorescence recognition of metal ions, Polymer Chemistry, 2018, 9, 5370-5376.

5. Tai-Bao Wei*, Jin-Fa Chen, Xiao-Bin Cheng, Hui Li, Bing-Bing Han, Hong Yao, You-Ming Zhang and Qi Lin*, Construction of stimuli-responsive supramolecular gel via bispillar[5]arene-based multiple interactions, Polymer Chemistry, 2017, 8, 2005-2009.

6. Jin-Fa Chen, Qi Lin, Hong Yao, You-Ming Zhang, Tai-Bao Wei*, Pillar[5]arene-based multifunctional supramolecular hydrogel: multistimuli responsiveness, self-healing, fluorescence sensing, and conductivity, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2018, 2, 999-1003.

7. You-Ming Zhang, Qi Lin, Tai-Bao Wei*, Xiao Ping Qin, Yan Li, A novel smart organogel which could allow two channels anion response by proton controlled reversible sol-gel transition and color changes, Chemical Communications, 2009, 6074-6076.

8. Qi Lin*, Bin SunQing-Ping Yang, Yong-PengFu, Xin Zhu, You-Ming Zhang, Tai-Bao Wei*,A novel strategy for the design of smart supramolecular gels: controlling stimuli-response properties through competitive coordination of two different metal ions, Chemical Communications, 2014, 50, 10669-10671.

9. Qi Lin*, Tao-Tao Lu, Xin Zhu, Bin Sun, Qing-PingYang, Tai-Bao Wei*, You-Ming Zhang A novel supramolecular metallogel-based high-resolution anion sensor array, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 1635-1638. (ESI高被引TOP 1%论文).

10. Xiao-Qiang Ma, Yun Wang, Tai-Bao Wei*, Li-Hua Qi, Xiao-Mei Jiang, Jin-Dong Ding, Wen-Bo Zhu, Hong Yao, You-Ming Zhang, Qi Lin*, A novel AIE chemosensor based on quinoline functionalized Pillar[5]arene for highly selective and sensitive sequential detection of toxic Hg2+ and CN-, Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 174, 279-286.

11. Qi Lin*, Yan-Qing Fan, Peng-Peng Mao, Lu Liu, Juan Liu, You-Ming Zhang, Hong Yao, Tai-Bao Wei*, Pillar[5]arene-Based Supramolecular Organic Framework with Multi-Guest Detection and Recyclable Separation Properties, Chemistry - A European Journal, 2018, 24, 777-783, (Hot Paper, ESI高被引TOP 1%论文).

12. You-Ming ZhangBingBing ShiHui LiWen Juan QuGuoYing GaoQi LinHong YaoTai-Bao Wei*,Copillar[5]arene-based supramolecular polymer gelsPolymer Chemistry, 2014, 5, 4722-4725.

13. Xiao-Mei Jiang, Xiao-Juan Huang, Shan-Shan Song, Xiao-Qiang Ma, You-Ming Zhang, Hong Yao, Tai-Bao Wei*, Qi Lin *, Tri-pillar[5]arene-based multi-stimuli- responsive supramolecular polymers for fluorescence detection and separation of Hg2+, Polymer Chemistry, 2018, 9, 4625-4630 (封面文章).

14. Xin Zhu, Qi Lin*, You-Ming Zhang, Tai-Bao Wei*, Nitrophenylfuran- benzimidazole-based reversible alkaline fluorescence switch accurately controlled by pH, Sensors and Actuators B, 2015, 219, 38-42.

15. Tai-Bao Wei*Yuan-Rong ZhuHui LiGuo-Tao YanQi LinHong YaoYou-Ming ZhangA reversible fluorescent chemosensor for the rapid sensing of CN- in water: utilization of the intramolecular charge transfer blockingNew Journal of Chemistry, 2016, 40, 2327-2332.




