
【发布单位: 发布时间:2019-01-14 浏览量:13786

    名:刘家成          出生年月: 19633月     职称职务: 教授、博士生导师

学科专业: 无机化学     Email: jcliu8@nwnu.edu.cn; jcliu8@163.com   Tel: 13919027098


刘家成,教授,博士生导师,1996-1999年就读于南京大学配位化学研究所,获博士学位, 1999-2001年中国科学院福建物质结构研究所博士后,2001-2002年日本京都大学博士后(JST), 2002-2005日本京都大学国际融合中心博士后研究员(IIC)2006至今在西北师范大学化学化工学院从事教学与科研工作。近年来在Adv. Meter., Dyes and Pigments, Organic Electronics Daltom Trans. Cryst Growth Des. 等国内外刊物上发表学术论文200余篇。


1. 功能配合物化学研究方向: 设计合成新型卟啉基分子的配位聚金属化合物,与锚定卟 啉配位组装超分子太阳能电池 功能配位聚合物纳米材料研究-制备纳米晶金属有机骨架材料通过表面键合功能基团/功能配合物在发光,磁性,催化性能应用。

2. 生物无机化学方向: 设计合成水溶性卟啉/酞菁共轭配位金属化合物的生物医药性能。



【在研项目】 主持在研国家自然科学基金两项(Nos. 2146102321761031)和甘肃省自然科学基金一项 (No. 1606RJZA110)


1. Xudong Lv, Guobin Xiao, Xiaoxia Feng, Jing Cao, Xiaoqiang Yao,, Jiacheng Liu,* Acylhydrazone-based porphyrin derivative as hole transport material for efficient and thermally stable perovskite solar cells Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 160, 957961.

2. Zhenzhen Li, Qian Zhang, Hua Liu, Guangying Wang, Jiacheng LiuDNA binding and in vitro antineoplastic activity of neotype water-soluble Cu ()-complexes based on fluorinated benzoylhydrazone porphyrin ligands Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 163, 647-655.

3. Jing Cao,* Xudong Lv, Peng Zhang, Tracy T Chuong, Binghui Wu,* Xiaoxia Feng, Changfu Shan, Jiacheng Liu,* and Yu Tang* Plant Sunscreen and Co(II)/(III) Porphyrins for UV-Resistant and Thermally Stable Perovskite Solar Cells: From Natural to Artificial Adv. Mater. 2018, 1800568

4. Xiaoxia Feng, Jiacheng Liu* DNA binding and in vitro anticarcinogenic activity of a series of newfashioned Cu(II)-complexes based on tricationic metalloporphyrin salicyloylhydrazone ligands Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2018, 17818

5. Ke-Xia Shang,Jing-Sun,Dong-Cheng Hu*, Xiao-Qiang Yao,Li-Hua Zhi, Chang-Dai Si, and Jia-Cheng Liu*Six Ln (III) Coordination Polymers with a Semirigid Tetracarboxylic Acid Ligand: Bifunctional Luminescence Sensing, NIR-Luminescent Emission, and Magnetic Properties.Cryst Growth Des. 2018, 18, 2112-2120.

6. Wu Yu, Zhang Qian, Liu Jia-Cheng*, Li Ren-Zhi, Jin Neng-Zhi. A novel self-assembly with two acetohydrazide zinc porphyrins coordination polymer for supramolecular solar cells. Organic Electronics, 2017, 41, 301-306

7. Feng Xiao-Xia, Zhang Jun-Xiang, Wu Yu, Zhang Qian, Liu Jia-Cheng*. Detailed profiling on DNA binding affinity, cytotoxicity and pathway of induced cell death of novel water-soluble Cu()-based acylhydrazone porphyrin derivatives. Dyes Pigm. 2017, 136, 773-781.

8. Han Fa-Ming, Yang Jiong-Yuan, Zhe Ying, Chen Ji-Wen, Liu Jia-Cheng*, Li Ren-Zhi, Jin Neng-Zhi. Study on a series of novel self-assembly supramolecular solar cells based on a double-layer structured chromophore of Zn-porphyrins. Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 8862-8568.   

9. Zhang Jun-Xiang, Wu Yu, Liu Jia-Cheng*, Li Ren-Zhi. Bilayer structured supramolecular light harvesting arrays based on zinc porphyrin coordination polymers for enhanced photocurrent generation in dye sensitized solar cells. Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 16283-16289.   

10. Dong Xiu-Yan, Si Chang-Dai, Fan Yan, Hu Dong-Cheng, Yao Xiao-Qiang, Yang Yun-Xia, Liu Jia-Cheng*. Effect of N-Donor Ligands and Metal Ions on the Coordination Polymers Based on a Semirigid Carboxylic Acid Ligand: Structures Analysis, Magnetic Properties, and Photoluminescence. Cryst Growth Des. 2016, 16, 2062-73.   




