
【发布单位: 发布时间:2012-04-20 浏览量:9158







1982年元月毕业于西北师范大学化学系,1986年6月获中科院兰州化物所理学硕士学位;2001年9月进入兰州大学攻读博士学位,在力虎林教授指导下开展纳米材料的控制合成与表征研究, 2004年6月完成博士学业后,返回西北师大继续从事物理化学教学和科研工作。


科学研究经历多个领域:在人工合成膜分离方面,主要开展了人工反渗透膜传质过程的基础研究,用Pitzer理论解决了膜过程的渗透压计算问题,提出了反渗透膜性能预测模型;此外,在国内首先合作开展了溶液等离子体降解污染物的研究;目前,研究兴趣主要集中在电化学相关能源材料方面,力求从动力学和热力学相结合的观点多角度揭示材料结构与其电化学性能之间的关系。迄今,在J. Phys. Chem. C; J. Mater. Chem.; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces; Electrochem. Commun.; Electrochim. Acta; RSC Adv.; 科学通报; 化学学报; 化工学报 和物理化学学报 等学术期刊上发表研究论文80余篇。其中,4篇研究论文被包括J. Phys. Chem. C在内的相关期刊列为Top类文章,引用百次以上的论文6篇, 2篇为高被引用论文。授权发明专利5项。




作为技术负责人完成的“双钠”冶炼废弃烟气综合利用新工艺,已在金川有色金属公司实现工业化,达到年产15万吨的生产规模,为地区经济发展和环境改善做出了有益贡献;多年担任《石化技术与应用》杂志编委;应邀为Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Chem. Mater., J. Mater. Chem., J. Phys. Chem. C, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Electrochem. Commun., Electrochim. Acta; RSC Adv., Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Materials Science & Engineering A, Journal of Alloys and Compounds等十余种学术期刊多次进行论文同行评议;多年应邀参与国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金项目的评审。


(1) 国家自然科学(地区)基金 (20963009):钴基层状混合氢氧化物超级电容器材料的合成与性能;

(2) 国家自然科学(地区)基金 (21163017):钴酸镍/还原氧化石墨烯复合物的控制合成及其在超级电容器电极材料中的应用;

(3) 国家自然科学(地区)基金项目(201563027):蒽醌及其衍生物非共价功能化还原氧化石墨烯的制备与超电容性能;

(4) 教育部博士点基金项目(20126203110001):石墨烯基混合金属氧化物复合物的有序结构与超电容行为。

(5) 甘肃省自然科学基金重点项目(0803RJA005):多孔导电聚合物复合膜电极的制备与应用研究

【代表性论文】(IF > 3.0):

[1]   Yufeng An, Zhimin Li, Yuying Yang, Bingshu Guo, Ziyu Zhang, Hongying Wu and Zhongai Hu*, Synthesis of hierarchically porous nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets from agaric for high-performance symmetric supercapacitors, Advanced Materials Interfaces, (DOI: 10.1002/admi.201700033)

[2]   Bingshu Guo, Yuying Yang, Zhongai Hu*, Yufeng An, Quancai Zhang, Xia Yang, Xiaotong Wang and Hongying Wu, Redox-active organic molecules functionalized nitrogen-doped porous carbon derived from metal-organic framework as electrode materials for supercapacitor, Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 223, 74-84.

[3]   Zhimin Li, Yufeng An, Zhongai Hu*, Ning An, Yadi Zhang, Bingshu Guo, Ziyu Zhang, Yuying Yang and Hongying Wu, Preparation of a two-dimensional flexible MnO2/graphene thin film and its application in a supercapacitor, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 10618-10626.

[4]   Yadi Zhang, Zhongai Hu*, Yufeng An, Bingshu Guo, Ning An, Yarong Liang and Hongying Wu, High-performance symmetric supercapacitor based on manganese oxyhydroxide nanosheets on carbon cloth as binder-free electrodes, Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 311, 121-129.

[5]   Ynfeng An, Yuying Yang, Zhongai Hu*, Bingshu Guo, Xiaotong Wang, Xia Yang, Quancai Zhang and Hongying Wu, High-performance symmetric supercapacitors based on carbon nanosheets framework with graphene hydrogel architecture derived from cellulose acetate, Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 337, 45-53.

[6]   Ynfeng An, Zhongai Hu*, Bingshu Guo, Ning An, Yadi Zhang, Zhimin Li, Yuying Yang and Hongying Wu, Electrodeposition of honeycomb-shaped NiCo2O4 on carbon cloth as binder-free electrode for asymmetric electrochemical capacitor with high energy density, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 37562-37573.

[7]   Bingshu Guo, Zhongai Hu*, Yufeng An, Ning An, Pengfei Jia, Yadi Zhang, Yuying Yang and Zhimin Li, Nitrogen-doped heterostructure carbon functionalized by electroactive organic molecules for asymmetric supercapacitors with high energy density, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 40602-40614.

[8]   Yuying Yang, Yarong Liang, Ziyu Zhang, Yadi Zhang, Hongying Wu, Zhongai Hu*, Morphology well-controlled synthesis of NiO by solvothermal reaction time and their morphology-dependent pseudocapacitive performances, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 658, 621-628.

[9]   Ning An, Yufeng An, Zhongai Hu*, Bingshu Guo, Yuying Yang and Ziqiang Lei, Graphene hydrogels non-covalently functionalized with alizarin: an ideal electrode material for symmetric supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 22239-22246.

[10] Yadi Zhang, Zhongai Hu*, Yarong Liang, Yuying Yang, Ning An, Zhimin Li, and Hongying Wu, Growth of 3D SnO2 nanosheets on carbon cloth as binder-free electrode for supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 15057-15067.

[11] Ning An, Yufeng An, Zhongai Hu*, Yadi Zhang, Yuying Yang and Ziqiang Lei, Green and all-carbon asymmetric supercapacitor based on polyaniline nanotubes and anthraquinone functionalized porous nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes with high energy storage performance, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 63624-63633.

[12] Ning An, Fuhai Zhang, Zhongai Hu*, Zhimin Li, Li Li, Yuying Yang, Bingshu Guo and Ziqiang Lei, Non-covalently functionalizing a graphene framework by anthraquinone for high-rate electrochemical energy storage, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 23942-23951.

[13] Qiang Ruibin, Hu Zhongai*, Yang Yuying, Li Zhimin, An Ning, Ren Xiaoying, Hu Haixiong, Wu Hongying, Monodisperse carbon microspheres derived from potato starch for asymmetric supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 167, 303-310.

[14] Yuying Yang, Yarong Liang, Yadi Zhang, Ziyu Zhang, Zhiming Li and Zhongai Hu*, Three-dimensional graphene hydrogel supported ultrafine RuO2 nanoparticles for supercapacitor electrodes, New Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 39: 4035-4040.

[15] Li Li, Zhong A. Hu*, Ning An, Yu Y. Yang, Zhi M. Li, and Hong Y. Wu, Facile synthesis of MnO2/CNTs composite for supercapacitor electrodes with long cycle stability, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118, 22865-22872.

[16] Huanwen Wang, Yalan Wang, Zhongai Hu, Xuefeng Wang*, Cutting and unzipping multiwalled carbon nanotubes into curved graphene nanosheets and their enhanced supercapacitor performance, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2012, 4, 6827-6834.

[17] Xie, Lijing, Hu, Zhongai, Lv, Chunxiang, Sun, Guohua, Wang, JianlongLi, YanqiuHe, HongweiWang, JianLi, Kaixi*, CoxNi1-xdouble hydroxide nanoparticles with ultrahigh specific capacitances as supercapacitor electrode materials, Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 78, 205-211.

[18] Huanwen Wang, Zhongai Hu*, Yan Qin Chang, Yanli Chen, Hongying Wu, Ziyu Zhang and Yuying Yang, Design and synthesis of NiCo2O4-reduced graphene oxide composites for high performance supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 10504-10511.

[19] Yanli Chen, Zhongai Hu*, Yanqin Chang, Huanwen Wang, Ziyu Zhang, Yuying Yang and Hongying Wu, Zinc oxide/reduced graphene oxide composites and electrochemical capacitance enhanced by homogeneous incorporation of reduced graphene oxide sheets in zinc oxide matrix, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 2563-2571.

[20] Huanwen Wang, Zhongai Hu*, Yanqin Chang, Yanli Chen, Ziqiang Lei, Ziyu Zhang, Yuying Yang, Facile solvothermal synthesis of a graphene nanosheet–bismuth oxide composite and its electrochemical characteristics, Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55, 8974-8980.

[21] Zhongai Hu*, Yulong Xie, Yaoxian Wang, Lijing Xie, Guorui Fu, Xiaoqing Jin, Ziyu Zhang, Yuying Yang and Hongying Wu, Synthesis of α-Cobalt hydroxides with different intercalated anions and effects of intercalated anions on their morphology, basal plane spacing, and capacitive property, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113, 12502-12508.

[22] Zhongai Hu*, Yulong Xie, Yaoxian Wang, Hongying Wu, Yuying Yang, Ziyu Zhang, Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of mesoporous CoxNi1-x layered double hydroxides as electrode materials for supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 2009, 54, 2737-2741.

[23] Z.A. Hu*, L.J. Ren, X.J. Feng, Y.P. Wang, Y.Y. Yang, J. Shi, L.P. Mo, Z.Q. Lei, Platinum-modified polyaniline/polysulfone composite film electrodes and their electrocatalytic activity for methanol oxidation, Electrochemistry Communications, 2007, 9, 97-102.

[24] Zhongai Hu*, Xiuli Shang, Yuying Yang, Chao Kong, Hongying Wu, The electrochemical synthesis of polyaniline/polysulfone composite films and electrocatalytic activity for ascorbic acid oxidation, Electrochimica Acta, 2006, 51, 3351-3355.




